links of network partners

EG Solar (Parabolic Solar Cookers, Germany)

EG Solar was set up as a registered charitable organisation with well over 100 members. Our simply constructed solar cookers, which are now being used in more than 80 countries, have proved their worth time and time again. Working in collaboration with the industrial school, we continue to develop new model cookers based on suggestions for improvements made by users all over the world. Our partners are then invited to try out the improved solar cookers.


Innotech - Solar Drying Technology

Innovative drying technology, manifold distinguished, worldwide approved.... (Site language: German, English, Spanish)



PuroSole has developed an autonomous and self-sufficient motorized reflector that allows them to roast coffee beans with zero environmental impact.


Society for Energy, Environment and Development

The purpose of this NGO is to create awareness about the Environment and Energy issues and create devices to enhance the quality of life. Therefore, it draws upon the expertise in the fileds of Engineering, Management, Solar Energy, Law and Social Work. SEED invented the Cabinet Solar Air Dryer and is involved in Food Processing technologies using Solar Dryers.


Solar Cookers International

Solar Cookers International (SCI) is the world’s leading advocate and resource for solar cooking solutions. SCI links collaborators in communities, NGOs, and agencies worldwide with the aim to spread solar thermal cooking technology to benefit people and environments. The Organization sees solar cooker technology as a chance to strengthen and enhance the self-reliance and self-help of the most vulnerable groups, typically women, children, people with disabilities, and those living in extreme poverty.


Solar Cooking Archive

The largerst collection of solar cooking information. The Solar Cooking Archive is sponsored by Solar Cooker International.


Solar Cooking KoZon – Cooking with sunlight

This foundation has the mission to promote integrated solar cooking and the use of solar energy at the lowest possible cost in East and West Africa. It supports people and groups in their own regions with advice and money and provides information about integrated solar cooking.


Solare Bruecke (Scheffler Mirrors)

Multilingual website with detailled information about Scheffller-Mirrors and other solar cookers.


Solar Household Energy (SHE)

Solar Household Energy (SHE), a 501(c)(3) not-for profit corporation, seeks to harness free enterprise to introduce solar cooking where it can improve quality of life and relieve stress on the environment. Working with private entities and NGOs, SHE designs and oversees training and distribution projects in Mexico, Central America and Africa.



SUN AND ICE is a Limited company and is a continuum of the non-profit society EGSOLAR E.V. attached to the Technical Collage of Altötting formed in 1993. The target of this society was to produce and distribute Solar Cookers to country’s where firewood is a problem, thus giving the local forestry a chance to reforest.